
Silver Winner

of the

Memoir & Personal Journey Category

Identity Theft follows Stanford professor Debra Meyerson’s journey to recover from a severe stroke. Identity Theft provides a valuable look at the broad possibilities for successfully navigating the challenging physical recovery and equally difficult emotional journey toward rebuilding one’s identity and a rewarding life after a trauma like stroke.

Identity Theft is a book full of hope for survivors that centers on Debra’s experience: her stroke, her extraordinary efforts to recover, and her journey to redefine herself. Deb draws on her skills as a social scientist, sharing stories from fellow survivors, family members, friends, colleagues, therapists, and doctors.

Debra Meyerson and Steve Zuckerman have created Stroke Onward, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization to provide survivors, families and caregivers with more resources to help them navigate the journey to rebuild their identities and rewarding lives.