26 Sep What does “recovery” mean for a stroke survivor?
Well, I didn’t exactly hit my goal of once a week – let’s see if I can get better at that. Still working with Steve and Danny on the first draft that Sally completed a few weeks ago. And I’m still REALLY frustrated that I can’t be doing more of it myself. Steve reminds me that I was pretty damn frustrated when I was writing Tempered Radicals when I could burn the candle at both ends. Maybe writing a book is like having children – it’s a good thing you forget the pain otherwise you’d never have/write more than one!
As I was reviewing the draft, it struck me just how many times we used the word “recovery”. What does that mean? In so many contexts, recovery seems to imply getting back to where you were. When you “recover” from a broken leg, you get back to normal. When you “recover” from being sick, you’re healthy. If I now know that I’m never going to regain all the capabilities I had before my stroke, does that mean I’ll never “recover” from it? I don’t think so. And we’re working on that part of the book right now. I’m not quite sure how to say it yet, but when it comes to stroke, or other illnesses/events that leave you with fewer capabilities than you had before, I think recovery is more about building, or re-building, a life of meaning. And maybe even more meaning than you had before? I’ll be working on this thought more as the book unfolds.
So I’ll leave this blog with a question – what exactly does “recovery” mean? If you want to share your thoughts on that, please do.
Pulled up this older photo from several years ago in my recovery. Reminds me of the family support I’ve had all along the way – it made me smile.
Yours – still frustrated but a little less down,